We Have Five Political Parties Joining Govt Of National Unity, Says ANC 


As part of an effort to seek an alliance with other political parties in South Africa, forming a new government of national Unity, the African National Congress (ANC) said that the new government has five political parties, which it said represents more than two-thirds of the seats in the National Assembly.

The ANC added that talks with other political parties were ongoing to join the unity government.

Last month’s election, forced the ANC to forge alliances with other political parties after failing to win a parliamentary majority for the first time since the 1994 election that marked the end of apartheid.

ANC leader Cyril Ramaphosa was re-elected as South Africa’s president by parliament on Friday, as his party drew support from its largest rival, the white-led, pro-business Democratic Alliance, as well as two smaller parties – the socially conservative Inkatha Freedom Party and the right-wing Patriotic Alliance.

The ANC said on Monday that another smaller party, GOOD, had also signed up to be part of the unity government pact.

This collective represents 273 seats in the National Assembly or 68%, the ANC said in a statement.

South Africa’s parliament has 400 seats. The ANC won 159 seats, the DA is the second-largest party with 87 seats, the IFP has 17 seats, PA has 9 seats and GOOD has a single seat.

The ANC said the unity government would ensure representation in government for all participating parties and would make decisions by consensus.

Among its priorities, the unity government is set to focus on rapid, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, the promotion of fixed capital investment, job creation, land reform and infrastructure development, the ANC said.

“The president will exercise the prerogative to appoint the cabinet, in consultation with leaders of the government of national unity parties, adhering to existing protocols on government decision-making and budgeting,” the ANC said.

The Marxist Economic Freedom Fighters party, which has 39 seats, has said it will not be part of a government that includes the DA or the Freedom Front Plus – two parties that draw support from the white minority.

The uMkhonto we Sizwe party, led by former President Jacob Zuma, is also not part of the unity government.

With 58 seats in the National Assembly, the MK party said it will join an alliance of smaller opposition parties in parliament called the “Progressive Caucus”, which includes the EFF and the centre-left United Democratic Movement. This alliance will be the official opposition to the unity government.